I have been told this more than once. But, they are completely wrong. There is no such thing as authority. We have laws of course, but everyone has to decide for themselves if they will or won't obey them. Most people obey the law and if the laws are reasonable this is not a problem. Or if something is illegal that you are not in anyway inclined to do then it is not a problem. I am not inclined to rob a bank even if it was for some extremely stupid reason not illegal. Most people don't need the law to tell them to behave properly, being out and about in society is usually enough to teach people how to conduct themselves. The point is that people who have violent tendencies are going to be violent. People who don't will tend to not be violent, the law doen't determine behavior, only what to do when someone breeches the law.
It is true I don't always respect the expectations of other people. They may or may not have a reason for those expectations. If we have no contract I have no problem not meeting an expectation not even a teeny tiny problem with it. If they have unreasonable expectations I have no problem confronting them on that. I really really don't. I might even raise my voice. I might even sue them if they are violating the law. I did that a couple times and won. Boo yah.
One of my favorite bosses got me, he really did. He asked me to not do something once, I am pretty sure it had something to do with an ongoing feud I had with an extreme slacker and then "But, I am pretty sure you are just going to do what you want anyway." Of course, he was completely correct. I did change my course of action though cuz I do that. I decided to be nice to the guy. Well that completely freaked my boss out it freaked out the guy I was fighting with and we were put in different areas of the store to work. Yeah, I still don't know what happened there. But, the point is most of us are going to do what we are inclined to do anyway. We can be infuenced by a variety of factors. But, we really can't be forced to comply. Many people have died because an authoritarian personality type has decided that they should do something that is against their religion or because they refused to convert to a religion or because a fascist made them a scapegoat. Many have died defying laws that were against what they believed was right. I totally get that. I hope that if I am confronted with an extreme situation like that I have as much courage.
The fact of the matter is though most people do comply with unreasonable requests. We have a huge problem with income equality in this country, It effects everything from the quality of life for the vast majority of Americans to the environment. Yes, the environment it turns out that selfish people ruin the environment. It effects what judges are appointed, if effects what bills are introduced to congress, it effects the health care debate. Unreasonable requests are literally killing people. I don't have a solution for this other than we need to have the political will to change this. We need to have stronger laws against companies being able to offer sub-living wages. We need to have stronger laws against companies and individuals not paying their fair share of taxes. We need to have LE that is much more responsive to the needs of the community rather than being trigger happy.
In short what we need is not more authority and a not more laws against people being people. We need to have a more compassionate society where looking out for one another is the norm rather than the exception. Peace out.
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