Monday, October 20, 2014

Dreams come true in the world of art

Skid Robot, is an artist. Public walls are his mural. But, his real art is in his subjects, they become living dreams and inspiration. His project aims to bring the issue of homelessness out in the open again, to put faces on the homeless, and to remind people that homeless people have dreams. 

The pictures are hopeful, uplifting, beautiful, and sad. The main thing they want is a bed to sleep in and to not have food insecurity, that means to not be hungry all the time or maybe have access to cooking facilities so they can make a hot meal rather than have cold sandwiches or whatever they can afford when they aren't close to a food source. It is sad that we have a society where income is destiny. There are 28 to 1 ratio of abandoned homes per homeless person. Not each family, that is for each person. In addition most large cities have large institutional abandoned properties that could be remodeled to become permanent housing for anyone who is homeless. Providing housing for vulnerable people should be a priority in a just society. Sadly it is not. We deny people basic necessities and then complain that they don't have those things. We call it a homeless problem. But, the homeless aren't the problem. We don't have a homeless person problem. We have a problem with victim blaming. We have a problem with judging victims. We have a problem with thinking people who are already rich deserve even more even when that comes out of our pockets in the form of tax dollars. The homeless aren't the problem. The problem can be found in a looking glass. Unless you are one of the homeless. Then you can find the source of your problem at city hall. That's right cities have the ability to find housing for their homeless people. They can set up services. They can get some money from the state government or not depending on how red the hearts of those officials are. I am just a lone voice typing from my attic office. But, if enough lone voices got together and if enough hearts opened up the will to end the problem of the powerful elite and the huddled masses being deaf and blind to the issues that lead to homelessness could change. We could start seeing homeless people as people as the deserving of assistance. Rather than those people who are a nuisance and have issues we don't want to deal with. 

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