Thursday, December 4, 2014

the whole damn system is rotten to its core

the whole damn system is rotten to its core
we need reform from shore to shore

brave souls crossed the sea to escape tyranny 
but brought with them their bigotry 

They created laws for the common white man
making rank elites was the plan 

They doled out freedom, the masses to allay 
and proudly stand on feet of clay 

They built in a Constitution of redress 
it serves the needs of the noblesse

by custom, design, and with the law in place
they keep cover over their base 

vile behavior to the victims is assigned 
that keeps the eyes of justice blind 

wars of aggression are launched with impunity 
their station gives them immunity

They rob resources  from the poor to feed the rich
wealth comes from hard work is the pitch 

with silver spoons they feast on lies fed to them
those in their service they must condemn. 

and for those that haven’t enough utility
they save the most hostility 

their biggest fear is a level playing field
knowing that their power would yield 

their hold on resources is with guns, germs, and steal
robbing from labor with much zeal 

from a high horse they breath a rarefied air
it is but the stench of despair 

And if the masses rise against oppression
they will stomp on any progression

with whips, hoses, and extrajudicial action  
freedom has never gained traction 

we all must  be aware of the thin blue line
it hides the murderous incline 

even when unarmed children lay dead in a street 
we find justice wears a white sheet 
just in case you haven't kept score 
the whole damn system is rotten to its core 

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